Let us work together to find list earth's natural resources, rational use of earth's natural resources
Best certifications for IT professionals: Is PMP best for you?
I recently met one of my best friends, who are working as a Director for training in an Information Technology (IT) organization in the US who came to India for vacation. During our meeting, we had an interesting discussion about the certifications available for IT professionals. As you may know, thousands of certifications are available in the market place and it is very difficult to find out the most important certifications for a candidate who works in an IT organization. He suggested me the list of best certifications that I mentioned below for IT professionals and highlighted who can go for the PMP certification:Project Management Certifications (CAPM, PMP and PgMP)Microsoft IT Professional certifications (MCAD, MCDST, MCITP, MCPD, MCSA and MCTS)Cisco certifications (CCDA, CCDP, CCENT, CCIP, CCNA, CCNP, CCSP and CCVP)Hardware, Networks & Operating Systems (CIW, CompTIA, LPI, RHCE, RHCT, SCSECA and SCSA)Programming & Web development (Oracle Database Admin, SCJD, SCJA, SCJP and SCWCD)IT security Certifications (CISSP, CompTIA Security and MCSA)IT Management Certifications (CBAP and ITIL)Project Management certifications help you to successfully manage your projects. Microsoft certifications help you to acquire knowledge required to perform a particular job role well. Let us say, for example if you take Microsoft Certified Professional Developer (MCPD) certification, this would help you to acquire knowledge required to build, deploy, optimize, and operate applications successfully by using Microsoft Visual Studio and the Microsoft .NET Framework. Several certifications available similar to that I mentioned here from Microsoft for you to improve your technical knowledge in a particular area.Cisco certifications would help you to acquire knowledge required to plan, operate and troubleshoot complex network infrastructures including but not limited to LAN, WAN, Protocol, Switches, Gateway and Routers. Certifications under the category "Hardware, Networks & Operating Systems" would help you to become a successful networking professional. The CompTIA Network+ certification would help you to acquire knowledge in managing, maintaining, troubleshooting, operating and configuring basic network infrastructure. This is a good certification if you want to become a Networking professional. Likewise, Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) certification helps IT professionals to acquire knowledge to configure networking services and security on servers running a Red Hat OS.Oracle Database administrator and Sun certified Java Developer certifications would help you to improve your programming knowledge in a particular area and to become an expert in database management. CompTIA Security certification would help you to become an expert in system security, network infrastructure, cryptography, assessments and audits. The ITIL certification is getting popularity now. It helps you to learn more about the best practices for IT service management. Certified Business Analysts Professional helps you to improve your business analysis knowledge.Now let us go back to our question. Is PMP best for you? The answer is it depends. It depends on where you want to go in your career. If you want to get into the networking field, you can go for CISCO and Comp TA Network certifications. If you want to become an expert in a particular area, you can choose the right certification from the list. But if you want to get into managerial roles, I would suggest you to go for project management certifications. It would help you to acquire knowledge and skills required to perform your managerial job. Its reputation and popularity increased dramatically. Companies have started seeking PMP certified Project Managers to fill in managerial jobs. Companies have started paying higher salaries for PMP certified Project Managers. So my answer to the question is, it really boils down to your career preference.
Increasing Sales Through Objection Handling Technique
Handling objections is the most daunting task for any salesperson and if handled badly they can result in a lost sale and knocked confidence. The key thing to remember is that an objection is a demonstration of interest from a customer and if handled correctly can result in an increased chance of making a sale. There are a few key rules that need to be followed when handling objections:Pre-empt the objection - If an objection is expected handle it in your pitch prior to being confronted with it, for example if a product is more expensive than competitors talk about it and demonstrate that it’s benefits offer sound value for money “While the product may not be the cheapest in the market it is the only product to offer (benefit)”, “It is a little more expensive than it’s competitors but the additional money is well spent as unlike the competitors it offers (benefit)” this is a great opportunity to use the all important Unique Selling Benefits. Use Suppose statements – Suppose statements are used to test whether the objection is real or not. If the objection is real then go on to answer it, if it is not real ignore it and move on. For example if the objection is that your product is too expensive then use something like “Suppose I can show you that the overall cost of buying and delivery is an economical proposition. That would be important wouldn’t it?” Feel, Felt, Found – A classic way of handling objections. First empathise with the customer telling them that you understand their concerns and how they feel, then talk about somebody else who felt the same way and finally talk about how after making a purchase they found that their fears were not reality. An objection should be welcomed and the opportunity to use this as a platform to sell should be maximised, if a customer’s concerns are answered effectively they have no reason not to buy!
How to manage a career in Administration
When you attend an interview for an administration position, it can be difficult to know how to present yourself. You often find a lot of people have applied for the position, and it can be difficult to work out how to portray your skills effectively. However there are a few simple steps you can take to make sure you are adequately prepared, and therefore increase your chances of being successful. Think about what sort of questions you will be asked in the interview. Read the job description over again. What skills do they ask for? Note these down and work out how you can show that you have each one, thinking up examples where you have used them in previous jobs. If they ask for any experience, make sure you bring references, and work out how you are going to explain your responsibilities in your previous job. If you had any particular tasks assigned to you that did not normally go with the job, remember how you coped with this and if it taught you any new skills that would be useful for the position. You may be asked why you left your previous job. Why was that position unsuitable for you? Think this through, and be prepared to explain why you think the position you are applying for would be better for you. Was it the company you worked for that made you want to leave your last job? Why was this? Was there something that this new position would offer that is exciting for you? If you are looking forward to the challenge, tell them this. If you are keen for the job, let it show, let your prospective employer know you are looking forward to working with them. If you prepare yourself, and make sure you are fully aware of what is expected of you in the job you are applying for, you will be able to portray yourself well. The more preparation you do, the more confident you will be and this will come across in the interview and will show your prospective employer that this a challenge you are willing, and able, to handle.
Role of Netweaver Technology in Sap
In this present era, where each and every company is struggling to fuse a variety of heterogeneous environments and to maintain a lower Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) in their organizations. As a solution to all their problems comes NetWeaver. SAP NetWeaver is the most recent advancement in the mySAP technology, which was brought as an Artificial Intelligence (AI) shell which accepts the standard comments.Modularity is another unique characteristic of NetWeaver which makes it stand out among other software technologies. The knowledge engineer could more easily produce "digestible chunks" of sub-dependency networks or modules that helps to keep the extending over dependency network from becoming potentially inexplicable due to apparent complexity.In plain words net weaver is application and platform where web services play a chief role and is open for non-SAP applications and platform. To improve productivity and enhance efficiency it is used by organizations by making all the resources that are obtainable in an enterprise to work collectively. It is used by the SAP customers so as to bring diverse environments at single platform. Plus, it also enables customers to use the systems already existing without putting much investment. Additionally in the near future, the different corporate sectors and organizations should take a decision for common platform; could be IBM Websphere, Microsoft .NET or SAP NetWeaver.Irrespective of the selection we make, it is the one that will integrate all the three technologies. It attains the course of integration by incorporating all the available resources of the existing system and uniting them into a harmonized form. This information forms the basis of a total, focused and comprehendible solution as preferred in an enterprise. The diverse components that are present in this model are data links, nodes, dependency networks, and in a few cases, evaluation groups. Data Links function to ask for data about the real-world objects. The dependency networks play the central role in formulating the illustration of the problem. The function of node is to form the relation in between data links and the dependency networks. A user-defined set of networks is an evaluation group.The advantages include enhanced adaptability which means the adaptability of SAP NetWeaver towards the existing business scheme in any of the organizations. It would provide a heterogeneous environment, integrating different applications or databases and make open technologies like web services available readily to the user. It saves capital on unnecessary customization of existing business. This increases the return on investment. By using this IT strategies could be synchronized with SAP solutions. And this synchronization will make the system more consistent leading to better services, which in turn lead to economic benefits. Instead of replacing the existing system it interweaves the resources like databases, net based information legacy systems, and would provide a varied environment for the user to obtain the maximum from new unified system.Unnecessary customization is also provided to the entire system. Furthermore, it decreases complexity and make the system more flexible to the swiftly changing business process. All these will lead to reduce the total cost of ownership.
How to Recession Proof Your Job: Ten Job Secrets for Career Success!
Economic times constantly change and organizations adapt to these changes. For you to find career success, you must be pro-active about your job. What are the career secrets of those who soar to the top in their careers no matter what the economic environment is in the world? The following are ten career secrets you can use to “recession proof” yourself and find career success no matter what the economic situation is: 1. Find Out What Your Organization Needs for Career SuccessInvest the time to investigate and understand your organization’s mission, goals, and values. Your organization may be facing challenges and the person who can tune into what the organization needs to be successful and provide the solution can write his/her own career success ticket. Remember, to get what you want in your career, you must help your organization, your department, your manager succeed. Focus on what is important to your manager and provide the solution. If customer service is important, speak with your manager in terms of creating customer solutions. If your manager is a numbers person, quantify all your results, etc.2. Be a Change Agent for Career SuccessOrganizational change will change the way you do your job. There is no escaping the changes that are happening around us all the time. Learn to embrace these changes so that you can learn how to take advantage of the career opportunities available from being a change agent.How do you do this? Be pro-active and ask questions about the change. How does it affect the organization? What challenges will there be implementing the changes? How will these changes affect the way you do your job? And the most important question, “What can you do to help implement the changes?”Once you receive the answers to these questions, and are able to act on the answers, you are way ahead of the “change curve” and will be looked at as someone who can “make things happen” within the organization. This will lead to countless career opportunities.3. Be the Master of Your Job for Career SuccessInvest the time to learn as much as there is to know about your job. Many times, employees will become complacent and master only the few tasks that they do 80% of the time. Then when a career opportunity comes up, this employee doesn’t have the skill set to take advantage of a promotion or raise.Take the time to read trade journals, go on the Internet to job related sites, and ask questions to master the understanding of your job. With the wealth of information there is in the 21st century, there is no excuse for “not knowing.”4. Volunteer to Make a Difference for Career SuccessVolunteer for assignments that expose your skills. Look for especially challenging projects that other people have declined. Also volunteer to mentor others within your organization. This will show and develop your leadership, management, and interpersonal skills. Keep management posted on your challenges and how you are working with the person you are mentoring to overcome these challenges.Volunteer to write a department or organizational newsletter. This is another way to benefit a large group, while showcasing your skills and ideas. 5. Be a Solution Creator and Not a Problem Maker for Career SuccessAnybody can find problems within organizations. My experience is that you don’t need to find them…they will find you. Some people have a special skill for finding problems and reporting them.Develop the skill of looking at these problems as “opportunities for advancement,” step back and analyze the opportunity, and develop ideas for overcoming the problem. Make sure you communicate these solutions during meetings, e-mails, memos, and conversations with management. You will soon be looked upon by management as someone who can overcome obstacles and make things happen within the organization.6. Handle the Next Level at This Level for Career SuccessIf you are a manager and want to become a vice president, then start working like a vice president. Find a vice president that is open to mentoring you for the next level. Remember, that vice president will not be promoted to the next level unless the organization sees that the vice president has developed someone to take his/her spot. It might as well be you. Plus, you can lighten the vice president’s work load.Explain to the vice president what you want to accomplish so that everyone has a clear understanding and that this is a win-win situation for all involved.I hear, “I’m too busy already to do this.” Well, let me ask you, “How badly do you want the promotion?” We are all busy. It’s up to you to enhance your time management and delegation skills so that you can take on these tasks that will prepare you for the next job level.Note: Dress as if you are already at the next career level. When you dress for the next level, this makes it easier for the decision makers because they can already envision you at the next career level.7. Announce That You Want It!Many times employees miss out on promotions because the decision makers and career influencers do not know they are interested in being promoted. Announce that you want to go to the next career level!Take time to sit down with your supervisor, manager, director, etc., and let them know you are interested in going to the next level. Ask them for their honest assessment of your skills. Then ask what you need to do to be ready when the next career opportunity appears.Also announce your career aspirations to influencers in the Human Resources Department. Remember the more people they can hire from the inside, the less work they need to do. Make it easy for them to hire you.Announce it to any one who can influence the decision for your promotion.8. Network and Join Groups to Accelerate Career SuccessJoin and be active in committees within your organization for career success. This shows management that you care enough to make a difference. It also allows a larger assortment of managers to experience your skill set outside of your normal duties.Also join professional groups and associations for career success. Professional groups and associations are a perfect way to let influencers outside your organization become aware of your skills. Remember, these influencers most likely work for other organizations and may be in positions to hire new employees. Don’t just join, participant in the association’s activities to show your creativity, teamwork, and other skills.Join and let your organization know you’ve joined these groups. This will show your organization that you are an employee who is taking action to stay ahead of the “career success curve” and can contribute to the organization.9. Tell Your Job Story for Career SuccessLet as many people within your organization and outside your organization know what you do and how well you do it. Make sure you tell your job story at meetings, company conferences, and retreats and to customers. Make sure you tell them with passion!Many people are shy about telling their career story in a group setting. Because of this fear, you may miss out on the one opportunity to let other people know what you know. One of the most important groups that you could ever join to overcome this fear is Toastmasters. This is a worldwide organization with over 175,000 members dedicated to helping members improve their public speaking, evaluation, think-on-your-feet, and leadership skills. The main reasons you should join Toastmasters are the following: Toastmasters can give you the confidence to approach any opportunity with confidence. Toastmasters can give you the speaking skills to stand up in front of a group and present your point in a persuasive manner, while others may shy away from this opportunity. You develop your leadership skills by learning how to do effective, positive, and encouraging feedback and evaluations, while learning how to empower the receiver to do better. You have the opportunity to develop your leadership skills by volunteering for positions at the club, area, state, regional, and international level. I always say if you can’t get the skills at your organization, you can get it at Toastmasters. 10. Build a Nest Egg for Career SuccessOne of the biggest barriers to creating career success is not building a financial nest egg. When you are at a financial disadvantage, you are less likely to pursue job opportunities, invest in educational opportunities to increase your skills; and, most importantly, you may develop an overwhelming fear of losing your job while in your present position.Eliminate your debts so that you can freely pursue any career opportunities that present themselves. It’s no fun knowing that you wanted a certain job but couldn’t pursue it because of financial obligations. I challenge you to apply these ten career techniques today! You will see immediate job results and go to the next career level no matter what the economic environment may be.
How Companies Are Bringing A Customer Approach To Employee Hiring
How companies are bringing a customer approach to employee hiringBy Mr. Ranjan Sinha There is an ongoing war for talent globally. Even with the economy cooling from 10% to 7% compound annual growth rate (CAGR), the need to find and win high quality talent will be unabated because only 10% of the 2 million students graduating each year are considered immediately hirable. Finding high quality talent is going to be as hard as getting customers in a very competitive market. Good customers do not give you a good organization but a great organization will get you good customers.In a recent discussion with CEOs and Head of HR, everybody was able to clearly and crisply define their products’/services’ USP. However, most of them fumbled or rambled when I asked them what their USP is to their employees or potential talent. Not surprising, many of them struggle with high attrition rates, relatively unsophisticated approach to talent supply chain management and very high cost of candidate acquisition.Most successful companies have an evolved sales and marketing processes and technology. These companies spend significant amount of resources and money to understand their markets, develop products to address them, craft clever messages to attract customers, service them well to retain them and thoroughly analyze when they lose customers. Most companies have very effectively transformed themselves from license raj era of shortages - where a customer was at the mercy of the company (some of us remember the pay now and wait for a two years Maruti era) to a free market ‘customer is king’ economy. Many of the same companies are struggling to transform their talent strategy from a job constrained economy to a talent constrained economy and have devoted minimal effort to upgrade their methods, systems and thinking to be competitive companies. This single reason can significantly benefit the human resources of the company by bringing some of the best and proven practices of marketing into talent management.Here are few of the common marketing practices that companies use to attract and retain customers, which can be effectively applied to attract the best talent and retain them:Market Segmentation – It has been one of the revolutionary concepts of the past quarter century - the realization that consumers can be broken into subgroups of people sharing one or more characteristics that cause them to have similar product needs. A true market segment meets all of the following criteria: it is distinct from other segments (heterogeneity across segments), it is homogeneous within the segment (exhibits common needs); it responds similarly to a market stimulus and it can be reached by a market intervention. While companies have a very good handle on the demographic, psychographic, characteristic and product attribute preferences of their consumers i.e. market segments and how to differentiate against their competition they are unclear about what talent segments find appeal in their company. Regarding my work, I have spoken to companies that have 20-60% attrition rate (these are obviously unofficial numbers) and they all had a very fatalistic attitude towards controlling attrition. When asked if they knew what is common among the 80-40% of the employees that stay back, are productive and engaged, they are unable to provide an answer. Global Talent Metrics (www.stargtm.com) a psychometric assessment company recently published a report on ‘Attrition in India’ that segments the Indian white-collar work force into eight segments based on individual’s preferences and motivators for selecting an employer. The segments range from Cash and Brand i.e. people, motivated primarily by salary and need to work in a brand name of the company because of social gratification issues to Start –Ups segment where people are motivated primarily by exciting challenging work and flatter organizations. The company provides a tool that measures the attributes of a company and matches them with individual preferences to predict attrition risk for the potential candidates.Do you know where the talent is? Cell phone companies and credit card companies very effectively acquire customers through e-mail and one-on-one marketing. They have built elaborate systems to track prospects, switch them from their competitor and stay connected with them. Many of the same companies struggle to apply those principles towards Talent Acquisition. Handful of leading companies has tapped executives from sales, business development or process management background to lead their talent acquisition efforts. These people bring a background of systematically mapping the talent pool, targeting them proactively as against waiting for them to respond and manage their hiring pipeline with the same discipline and passion as a sales funnel.Web Site - A company’s web site is the single most important tool to communicate with the customers and prospects about companies’ product offering. Marketers want their site to Inspire, Inform, Communicate, Put the consumer in charge so they can browse at their pace. This way, they qualify the interest level of prospective consumers and then customize a communication to pull them along the sales process. I would ask our readers to do a simple test about their company’s job page/site. Does the page Inspire, Inform and Communicate, Put the prospective job seeker in control to browse through beyond "stock" job titles but discusses the USP of the company or the job and allow the candidate to qualify themselves so that the recruiter can be more informed when he/she engages with them? This just proves how effective the role played by a company’s web site is in talent acquisition, amongst its other uses. It is not just about price (or salary) - Companies like Starbucks, Singapore Airlines, Jet Airways and others have built successful businesses by selling not the cheapest products but by delivering value that attracts and retains customers because they know everyone is not looking for just low prices. The Global Talent Metrics’ Attrition report busts the myth that everyone is a mercenary and most people stay or leave a company because of salary. Only 10% of the Indian workface is driven by ONLY salary. Companies need to define what they provide to their employees beyond salary and build a culture and organization that seeks those values. One of India’s largest IT services company is not the best paymaster nationally or globally but retains employees significantly better than its better paying peers. Companies must find these values and effectively communicate and assess talent for those values, to ensure strong talent engagement. The author is a member of the Board of Directors, Global Talent Metrics, Chairman and CEO, Summit HR Worldwide and a HR thought leader
Some say I am introvert - others say I am extrovert
Introvert? Extrovert? What the hell is the difference? Ain't we all humans? Ain't we all unique in our own way? My attitude towards others is well-balanced, very respectful of others and somewhat respected I might add. My performance at work is much better than average.I socialize at work as much as I need to during lunchtime and coffee breaks. However, when I sit in that cubicle, I work and I do a damn good job at that. What if I am an introvertWhen I first came to the States, I started working as a computer technician. I was told that I was too shy and I sat in that cubicle all day long, working and working. I would say to myself "I was hired to do a job. I was not hired to socialize. That comes after work when I leave that building."My manager even warned me to get out and mingle with others. It's good for your sanity. You are all cooped up in that 8x8 cubicle. You are an introvert. English not being my first language, that was the first time I ever heard that word. Obviously, I didn't know what it meant. As long as it didn't start with an "F", it didn't bother me that much.I told her, I said "I am not whatever you just called me. I am just as human as you are." Luckily, she didn't say anything and left it at that. Maybe she thought I was a dumb asshole and that's why she probably didn't say anything. My apologies to the dumb assholes of the world. I actually meant to say something else. I just slipped. I apologize again.So I did some research. Now I know what an introvert is. When there is an introvert, there has to be an extrovert. And when I understood what an extrovert was, I decided to become one. O! man, life is fun, ain't it?What if I am an extrovertFive or six years passed. During that time, I had converted to being a full-time extrovert. That became my faith. I started working for another company. I was so aggressive that some people, at work, complained I was stepping on their toes. I would say to them I am an extrovert. I am supposed to do that. If you get offended or your rights are violated, that's your problem. Those days I was so aggressive if someone wanted to go to hell, I would make sure that I was the first on that path.My manager warned me I was way over my head. She said people were offended, people were insulted. No one wanted to talk to me let alone socialize with me. What if I am an introvert/extrovertI was already out of the rat hole of being an introvert. I didn't want to become one again. A lot of people felt insulted by me. So I didn't want to be an extrovert either any more.I decided to be an introvert slash extrovert. I even had a sign labeled "Introvert/Extrovert" outside my cubicle to the right of my name plate. People started calling me int-ext. There were some who called me In tExt. I felt like an In Text Ads Network. O! ye human resources of the worldI am not an introvert. I am not an extrovert. Let those fancy words be the vocabulary of the shrinks of the world. Don't label me any more, please!I want to be a hard worker. I want to be a smart worker. All I want to do, at the end of the day, is to put some food on the table. All I want to do is see some smile on my kids' face.Moral of the storyIf you are an introvert, get out of that rat hole. Mingle with others. Hear what other people have to say. Take interest in others and their work and interests. And be assertive. If you are an extrovert, tone it down. Will you, please? You are not the only one living on this beautiful planet of ours. Be assertive but not aggressive enough that people stop socializing with you. Just be mindful of others' feelings. You do your job and let others do theirs. Most of all, don't let the shrinks of the world label you anything. First and foremost, we are all hardworking people. We respect others. We don't ask others to respect us. But what we do ask is to not be insulted with this mambo jumbo kind of talk that we don't even fully understand.
Don’t you Think It’s Time for an Effective Career Counseling for Teens?
Teens should realize that if is very difficult to be without formal advice on what to do with their lives as teenagers. They sometimes fail to realize how important it is to plan a career while they are still young. Career counselors can be approached in order to help the adolescent fully understand what he wants. What a teen wants can be intensified once he has learned how to focus on career planning. When teenagers go for career counseling, their ideas will be expanded. It will not only enlighten the teens but their parents as well as too many boomers and parents wrongly view college as a career substitute for career preparation. Most counselors also aver that there are some parents who think that education is like a conveyor belt and things will just happen when they place their teens there. But the truth is that they don’t just happen. Most of the teenagers fail because they have no plans. Plans are very important because as a teen wants to head for a bright future, he cannot build it up without an appropriate plan. A good house, before it can be built, will have to come first from a design plot. Teenagers with a 10-year plan designed can take them right to the work force. Thus, career counseling can help them become career oriented and committed. However, it is not about choosing a specific career, but knowing and understanding the process of career and becoming ready and quick-witted should changes, whether expected or unexpected, take place. Teenagers who sort out careers early can come out ahead. When a teen wants a career in the future, he is much likelier to graduate compared to someone who has no plans at all. Career counseling would help stir up what a teen wants to do with his life. A parent usually wants her child to become successful but it will be difficult for an adolescent to come up with what he really wants to be. For this reason, career counselors are there to help as long as the teen wants to be guided accordingly. Some people however, are skeptic about career counseling as they see it as an extravagant alternative, a planning that may not be necessary. Some teachers even think that it might be a way of pushing students too early than what is appropriate for their age. Anyway, it really depends if the teen wants to get involved or not. Whatever path an adolescent choose to cross, he will be the one to harvest the crop of what he has reaped. It is always better to come up with the best plan whether as a teen or as an adult.
What is cyber security?
It seems that almost everything now relies in internet and computers - entertainment, communication, transportation medicine, shopping, etc. How much of your life is dependent on internet? How much of your information is stored on your or someone else’s computer? With such a high dependency on computers, neglecting the increase in Cyber crime is extremely harmful. Cyber security actually protects your personal information by responding, detecting and preventing the attacks. Cyber security is actually introduced to decrease cyber crimes. All banking institutions and businesses today run their business online. Hackers can hack your computer system and misuse your personal information and pictures. Various other dangers associated with cyber crimes are entry of virus into your system, altering your files, change of passwords, stealing credit card information and make unauthorized purchases. Today, there are several universities and colleges that are offering Cyber security degrees. In associated degree program you can learn about cyber forensics, data encryption, network security, etc. In the associate degree program a student is taught to use the recent technology and ensure that digital information communication is carried in an appropriate manner that is secured from surveillance or attack by expert hackers and malevolent computer users. Organizations and businesses will have ascending requirement for cyber security professionals in future to protect their company’s records and private information. A degree in this field will provide you with an opportunity to work as a computer support technician, systems administrator, network administrator or similar position. People with associate cyber security degrees may enjoy following career opportunities and annual incomes: Network Administrator: $58,190 Support Specialist: $40,430 Systems Administrator: $58,190 The career opportunities for cyber security profession is expected to increase in the coming few years. The demand for systems administrators and network administrators will grow at a rapid rate. The typical coursework for the Associate Cyber Security Degree includes Cyber forensics, Computer hardware, Cyber security, working with Computers and Internet, applied mathematics and software support. In the degree course program a student is expected to learn about antivirus software, encryptions, firewalls, and other similar techniques to ensure the safety of data communications as per your company’s guidelines.
Jobs and Recession
"Career" is a major problem for a student , travelling with his study bounded strategies. Although they have much ability than the competition but face many problems during the job searching session. Even the recession is going to downward , yet the career risk is not finished in the job seekers, to get a good and satisfactory job or part time jobs is the magic dream of every student. Career orientation atmosphere adoptability is the must for those who want to achieve goal of the life. Facts coming during the search: For many sarkari naukri seekers, searching for a new job is a stressful experience. The end result, though, is usually a positive one in which the job-seeker is rewarded for his or her past accomplishments with a better job -- a job that has more prestige, higher pay, and perhaps with a better organization. But when you have to conduct a job-search in a weak job market, the stress level increases dramatically -- especially if you are currently unemployed, expect to be let go from your current employer, or work in an industry or profession that has seen widespread job cuts. Few Strategical Way for Job Seekers: 1.Keep a positive focus: To have in positiveness is to one of the effective part of the patience during the career struggle problem or someone else. 2.Surround yourself with support: To produce or feel support is the creative part of appearance regarding the job seeking time for fresher jobs. 3.Don't believe everything you hear or read: Just think and believe is not a good strategical way among the several problem coming in front of the job seeker , hold yourself for some times and think whatever you have to do and that will be right. Why did you choose your career goals initially? Did you choose them because they inspired you? If yes, remember that time you made your choice. Remember when you felt hopeful, excited, and optimistic. Tap into that feeling again and use it to get back on track in a more powerful, calmer, and empowering way. If you choose your goal because you felt you had no choice, reevaluate this choice. Choose your goals not because they've become something you "should" do, but because they are important to you.
Weird Laws in the World – 2
Weird Laws are dumb laws or crazy laws. These laws are not only stupid and impractical but also very irritating and illogical. Such laws can be seen in all parts of the world especially US. Such weird laws make people laugh. For Example, in Alabama, you can find many such crazy laws such as; it is illegal to play dominoes on Sundays. It is illegal to wear fake mustaches in churches that make people laugh. Apart from these, there are other such weird laws in Alabama such as putting salt on a railroad track may be punishable by death, men may not spit in front of the opposite sex, masks may not be worn in public, solitaire may not be played on Sundays, bear wrestling matches are banned etc.In Alaska also, you can find such laws. For example, huskies are not allowed in school buildings; no child can build a snowman taller than himself on school property; in Fairbanks, it is illegal to feed alcoholic beverages to Moose. Certain laws of Arizona are not only weird but ridiculous also. In Arizona, Women cannot wear pants in Tucson and it is illegal to drive a car in Glendale. Also, it is unlawful to refuse a person, a glass of water. In Arkansas, men are allowed to beat their wives once a month, doesn’t it sound odd? Here, even dogs are not allowed to bark after 6 pm. So, better muzzle up your doggie’s mouth. In California, women are not allowed to drive while wearing a housecoat and in Pacific Grove, ‘molesting’ butterflies can result in a $500 fine. Other dumb laws in California are: it is illegal to eat an orange in bath tub, it is illegal to prevent children from playfully jumping over puddles of water and it is illegal to have bath houses. Thank God! They have not made bathing illegal.Colorado too is notorious for its weird laws. In the city of Denver, it is illegal to mistreat rats and is against the law to loan your next door neighbor your vacuum cleaner. In Logan County, it is illegal for a man to kiss a woman while she is asleep. In Pueblo, it is illegal to let a dandelion grow with in the city limits. In Sterling, Colorado, even a cat is not spared since the law will demand your pet to have a tail light. In Connecticut, it is illegal to dispose of used razorblades. Any one caught biking over 65 mph will be ticketed here. Other crazy laws of Connecticut include: in Devon, it is against the law to walk backwards after sunset, in Hartford, it is illegal to educate a dog and a man cannot kiss his wife on Sundays. In Delaware, “R” rated movies cannot be shown in drive in theaters. In Rehoboth, one cannot whisper in church and changing into or out a swimsuit in a public rest room is prohibited. On Fenwich Island, it is illegal to lie down on a beach at night. In Lewes, it is illegal to wear pants that are form fitting around the waist.
How to Keep Your Medical Sales Job Search Confidential
The very best time to look for a new job is while you still have your old one–but what if that means you need to keep it on the down low? Keeping your job search confidential can seem virtually impossible, but it isn't.One great way to stealth job search is by using LinkedIn. It's entirely possible to reach out to others without it being a matter of public record. (And using LinkedIn to contact hiring managers instead of going through HR cattle calls is amazingly effective!)So what do you have to do?Above all else, you must have a polished LinkedIn profile. The better you look on LinkedIn, the more likely it becomes that you're contacted by medical sales recruiters or hiring managers in health care sales (the easiest way to land a job of all). But be careful of what you write in your summary. You can't put "seeking a sales opportunity" if you're trying to keep it quiet. Concentrate on highlighting your skills and accomplishments while making connections and participating in relevant groups. Essentially, you're putting your best foot forward while growing your network. And you'll learn a tremendous amount of information from the resources you'll find there that will help you get ahead in your laboratory sales, pharmaceutical sales, or medical device sales job search.What if your employer wants to know why you have such a shined up profile? Don't let him put you on the spot. You can say (especially if you're in sales or marketing) that you see yourself as the face of the company, and customers seek you out on LinkedIn. You can also say that you're trying to learn about the latest social media tools to be current on the trends. There are over 65 million professionals on LinkedIn, and they're not all looking for jobs. It's not going to be unusual for you to jump in, too.
Get A Creative Job That Makes Life Fun
There are all sorts of people in the world some fulfilling dream jobs and others just working to live. When you think about your day job do you sigh with satisfaction and think you're the luckiest person alive? Or do you wonder if there really could be more to what you've got to offer. Maybe you're not very academic and somehow you've fallen into a mundane office job or even working in a factory. If you have a flair for pursuing creative hobbies in your spare time maybe you should step out of your comfort zone and aim for a career that's a little more you. So where do you start? Well ultimately you have to think of the creative skill set you have to offer and where this will fit in the creative social sphere. The world is full of creative people who create new ideas and products every day – what will your part be in all of that. If you have a degree in the arts and sciences your expanse of wealth will also give you far greater success in gaining a job in the relevant fields. It is tough to achieve but once you've found a niche in the creative fields your knowledge and success will grow and grow. People who have the most fun in life are those who don't stick to the rulebook. That is why the creative industry is such a attractive one for those in it don't have to stick to a set of abided rules. If you really wanted to you could run a ad agency in your back room without your boss breathing down your neck, be a photographer that takes amazing photos that fly all over the world or even create breathtaking dances that audiences flood to see. Why not try interior design By training in the field of art and design you can get the skills and expertise required to start as a interior designer. The job is widely varied and offers you great opportunity to practice your art in a wide space. Areas to show your expertise can include homes, office buildings, film sets, weddings, corporate events, health care environments, government buildings or theatres. With an average interior designer earning from $22000 to $40000 as a beginner it is a extremely lucrative career that lets you practice something you love. Designers can opt for either a more commercial design or something that is more eco friendly, which fits in with the current fears about the greenhouse effect. In fitting with the fears of carbon dioxide emissions on the environments many designers today need to be well researched in the integration and analysis of the creative process. With a chief focus on functional as well as attractive a designer needs to understand the basics of floor plans, patterns, construction codes, combinations, remodeling and more. Training is available in colleges, universities and trade schools. Be the next Versace Have you ever seen a designer's work and thought I can do that? If you are always drawing designs, have created sample patterns and clothing, and perhaps even created a exhibition for your work you should think of going into fashion designing. Like an interior designer it requires a lot of skill and knowledge about your chosen market. For example what a man might like certainly won't be impressive in the female clothing market. Try to get as much exposure for your designs as possible through exhibiting your work at exhibitions, entering competitions, and getting work experience. With a trade as popular as fashion designing the best thing is to get some real training to perfect your skills and ideas. There are many schools/colleges and universities that offer fashion-designing courses, which also offer great steps into the industry. All good courses will offer work experience that is vital when going up against strong candidates who might have more experience then you. What are you waiting for? Get started now! If you're not so good at designing but love the idea of getting into fashion there's always other careers that are more behind the scenes. If you simply love being around clothes you can always be a purchaser and merchandiser and stock the shops you love to browse. Perhaps you could even try your hand at dressing the mannequins in the window, which requires quite a lot of fashion awareness. Try contacting local shops/department stores for experience and if possible try to do a course that may give you experience in this. Animate for a living. There are many great artists out there and these extend to the big screen. If you've ever seen the Lion King, Toy Story trilogy or even a Bugs Life you've seen an animation that is full of millions of moving art works. It takes an artist to create a animation and that artist has to be as skilled as a artist painting masterpieces. For training you can create sketches in your spare time that make a story like a flipbook so when put together they'll move like animation. You can purchase stop motion pro software and practice on clay models to create a story or simply just get your skills from a course. You can study art and design in all major colleges/universities and special art schools and these will give you the vital skills to transfer expertise over to animation. Getting work experience will only better your chances of success and getting behind the scenes on major animation companies like Pixar. You will be under a lot of competition but if it's really what you want and enjoy there is no contest. Whether you want to work in interior design jobs, fashion jobs or animation jobs they are all very creative and offer great rewards but of course they're not a step in the park. For success you need to be determined, reliable, willing to work for free and very ambitious. It may take a long time to get there but when you're doing a creative job that you love you certainly won't be looking back and saying what if.
How to Survive This Economic Crisis and make Some Extra Cash
The economic crisis has hit everyone! Most people are searching for ways to make some extra cash in order to survive. Is this situation going to last for another month, a years or a decade, no one seems to have the answer. Jobs are becoming more and more, scarce and those that are able to keep or find a job has to accept a reduced salary and less benefits. That leaves most households with the reality that an additional income is needed. There are many ways to approach this dilemma, the first of which is to hit the newspapers and see if there are any part time job opportunities. This is good but usually doesn't satisfy the ultimate need or provide any extra cash to enjoy life a little. However, if you view this economic crisis as a cleansing of the old ways to make money and consider it a new beginning to locate and succeed in the "Brave new World" that new world being the internet, there are an abundance of opportunities out there.The trouble is that there are literally thousands of vultures online seeking to take advantage of this dilemma and have flooded the market with promises of making millions at home using your computer. Needless to say most of these "opportunities" do little more than to get you to spend your money.There are some very good ways to make some extra cash online and there are some people who are going through the plight of this economic crisis and have discovered ways to use the internet to make that extra cash. After all there are close to 2 billion people who use the internet every day and this market is global!There are some of these people who now have been making some extra money on the internet that have developed methods and located niches that have been successful. There is one story in particular that is interesting. One such person experiencing difficult times in this economic crisis lost his job, could find another job and was facing bills that were piling up. Things were so bad for him that he actually moved back in with his parents and borrowed cash from them to pay his bills and try his hand at making some extra cash on the internet to make ends meet. Well his story winds up being a success story and he is now earning more money online than he did when he had a regular job. One thing that really struck me about this guy is how much he hates companies like Google, Yahoo, MSN.It was his persistence that earned him his success on the internet. There is always one thing to remember it can get frustrating trying to make an income online, you're only one breakthrough away, one discovery, one loophole, one glitch. It can happen and it will happen. And when it does believe me it's worth every dollar and second that you spent online. In fact it's all the sweeter. Making money online seems to be more rewarding, maybe because you can do from home. Necessity is the mother of invention and this economic crisis has created the necessity which is, we need to make more money to survive. The internet is at our finger tips; it is convenient and easily accessible through our computer. Some of these successful people even will share their success stories with you. If you would like to see the video of his story, please check it out here
Looking for Jobs in Middle East? - Why You Can't Go Past Magical Dubai
If your goal is to search for Jobs in the Middle East, then like many ex-pats, you are seriously considering Dubai.Nestled beneath Europe and Asia and neighboring Africa, is magical Dubai. One of the world's most secure locations, it boasts spectacular beaches, luxurious hotels and magnificent waterfront resorts, and not to mention, world class shopping.For those searching rewarding and profitable jobs in the Middle East, you cannot go past the enticing tax system, rock solid business environment, and wealthy oil resources that make Dubai what it is today.On the other hand, if you dream of living in a city immersed in ancient tradition then it will not disappoint. Although the Bedouin culture has taken a back step to sky-high towers, modern highways, and state-of-the-art architecture, the heart of Arabia is still beating in the colorful side streets and the soothing waters of Dubai creek. With all its beauty, culture and wealth, it is no wonder that the idea of re-locating to Dubai is highly intoxicating.Now whilst Dubai is a modern and welcoming city, it pays to be aware of the realities before you set your sights on that new career.Firstly, the competition can be tough. Talented candidates from all over the world are enticed by a high tax-free salaries and the luxurious lifestyle. You also have the costs of re-locating overseas. Furnished accommodation, phone and internet services, and medical fees are all quite pricey. In addition, if you have family, you are up for schooling and childcare fees. Another necessity is buying or renting a car. Almost everyone drives in Dubai due to the lack of decent public transport.When searching for jobs in Middle East and Dubai look for a salary package that includes accommodation, medical and transport benefits. These will make your life in Dubai easier and much more profitable.If you are not sure where to begin your Middle East job search, start with an online search resource like Bigdaw. Here you can screen potential employers and get a feel of the marketplace.In addition, learn everything you can about the country and its culture. You need to make sure you are comfortable with their traditions and rules before you commit to moving.So if still have your sights on searching jobs in the middle east, whether it be for a brief working holiday or a long-term contract , Dubai is certainly a prosperous and exciting playground. It is sure to be the popular expat destination for decades to come.
Introduction to Green Careers
Think Green ! is the brand name for the alternative energy and ecology interests of the Chronos Group of companies. The name arose from members from over 20 alternative energy, including nuclear generation, companies coming together to discuss industry needs in a forum organized by the Chronos Group. Think Green has given advice, recruitment services and payrolling in Russia, Argentina, Poland, Romania, Ukraine, Hungary, Spain, Algeria, Libya, Morocco, Uganda, Angola, Australia, Philippines, China and the USA and via the Chronos Group has over 6000 contractors out in 70 locations. We have been involved in green consulting projects from the Arctic Ocean to Patagonia and welcome challenges !Another green venture - Coberon Green Resources www.coberongreen.com is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Chronos Group. This entity has over 50 dedicated consultants in 20 countries with a range of experience in the renewable area. But this green area covers much more than energy alone. The main sectors Coberon Green operates in are:WindWindmill farms are sprouting up around the world. Australia, China, India, Europe and the United States are all investing in wind as a leading source of renewable energy. The business of wind not only includes the generation and sale of power, but also the design and construction of wind turbines. Few countries rely on wind for more than a tiny fraction of their power generation needs, but many countries are interested in the possibility. The Coberon Chronos Group works with many clients such as General Electric and Gamesa with a presence in this market. Suzlon has also recently joined our forum.WaterCoberon Green Resources has fantastic experience in this sector and as our website shows are we have great client references in this key strategic resource area in Europe and the USA. Investors see a clear opportunity to invest in companies that collect, clean and distribute water. The largest water utility company in the U.S. is Aqua America. Another company in the industry, on the purification side, is ITT Industries, which produces water purification systems that help to make drinkable water. To see the power of water, one needs look no further than China's massive Three Gorges Dam project. This $25 billion structure on the Yangtze River will be the largest hydroelectric power station in the world. Hydropower involves a lot of technology, a lot of infrastructure and a lot of power-hungry customers. Every one of those areas holds potential opportunities for recruiters and the Coberon Chronos Group has been active here for some time.Solar EnergyAs the cost of fossil fuels continues to rise and their availability continues to decline, the future looks bright for solar energy. Two of the leading producers of solar panals are Evergreen Solar and Sunpower Corp, which both develop, manufacture and sell panels and components and will directly benefit from the increased adoption of solar power. Coberon Green Resources has a team of professionals who are dedicated to recruitment in this industry with especial success in Spain, Central Europe and the USA.NuclearChronos Consulting has a range of references in the nuclear sector including ongoing projects with Areva an active projects in China, UAE, Ukraine, Niger, and France. We have industry experts retained on a full time basis within the group and have completed many complex and remote location projects.Fuel CellsOn a smaller scale, researchers are working with fuel cell technology to develop an alternative method of powering automobiles. The U.S. government hopes that hydrogen powered cars will be commonplace by 2020. If this technology works, there are millions of cars - and millions of consumers - waiting for it. There are companies such as Ballard Power Systems, which produces cells that can be used in from cars to power plants, and Fuel Cell Energy, which focuses on providing power options to commercial and industrial facilities. Coberon Green Resources can provide cutting edge researchers in this field.EfficiencyJust about every aspect of efficiency is good for the environment. Energy efficient construction and appliances reduce home energy use and energy efficient cars reduce our dependence on oil. From efficient lighting to creating the paperless office, innovative companies are developing innovative products that maximize the benefit that we get from the resources that we use. Efficiency is the watchword of the day and a developing field that will create the technologies that we will use tomorrow. Some of our clients have done a great job at leveraging efficiency such as General Electric with its Ecomagination business unit. In addition Chronos Consulting has massive experience in the smart grid sector of the energy efficincy arena with project management experience in UAE, India, Europe and USA. This is in fact one of our fastest growing divisions.Pollution ControlsReduction is the key term here. From reducing green house gas emissions on industrial power plants to minimizing car emissions, the pollution control industry is on the rise. Every time legislation mandates an improvement in the amount of some harmful chemical that can be released into the environment, the pollution control industry responds. There are companies developing pollution control technologies such as Fuel-Tech and Versar. Coberon Green Resources has excellent references in this area. Chronos Consulting has won a green consultancy bid in the UK. The project involves the restoration and conservation of several miles of waterways and preservation of key habitat woodland tracts. Dr Simon Harding, the Chairman of the Chronos Group comments "we are very excited by this recent development for the group. This is the largest project we have undertaken to date in pure environmental services although we have been involved in the alternative energy, alternative fuels and bio-sector for a decade…." For more information please contact www.chronosconsulting.com.Waste ReductionOne of Coberon Green's most extensive recruitment activities is in waste reduction. Recycling has become a standard practice for many people in recent decades. Most people are aware that household products such as paper, metal and glass are reprocessed and reused, but they never stop to consider the business behind these endeavors. Of course, these aren't the only items that are reused; waste oil, vegetable oil, batteries, cell phones, computers and even parts from cars can have a second life. Waste management companies with a large base of recycling facilities may be of interest including companies such as Allied Waste Industries and Waste Management. Coberon Green Resources has superb references in this arena of activity and active projects in Spain and Hungary.OrganicsOur organization in Scandinavia, UK, Central Europe and the USA has extensive recruitment experience in this segment. Organic farms eschew the use of pesticides, engage in sustainable farming practices and sell products that are often healthier to eat. They also engage in animal management practices that avoid the use of hormones and antibiotics, keeping those chemicals out of the food chain and out of the ground and water surrounding the farms. It's good food - and good business. With U.S. organic food sales reaching $25 billion in 2009, there is a huge market for organic food producers and grocery stores. Some of the biggest organic food companies include Whole Foods Markets , United Natural Foods and NBTY among others.SummaryAt Chronos Consulting we believe in finding alternative energy sources and we have wind, solar, nuclear and geothermal recruitment experience nevertheless the statistics about oil speak for themselves and we need to think how to use oil in the most efficient way . For this we have the sister group Think Oil ! We have a team of oil and gas specialists without peer in the industry whose role is to facilitate the sale and purchase of Oil & Gas Assets, conduct RPO and BPO, staffing, recruitment, payrolling and software implementation and design. The Chronos Group undertake every step of the process of commercialization. Our team delivers integrated technical, financial, recruitment and software solutions to those seeking to maximize the value of their Alternative Energy Assets. Our suite of services brings together the skills, knowledge, experience and connections to provide added-value, plus the facilitation capability to bridge the gap between technical output and commercial reality. Our management team comprises a mix of the highest level professionals with proven track-records in their respective industry specialisations and the Chronos Group's aim is to deliver a complete spectrum of focused services seamlessly and effectively whether your project is large or small, in the Amazon Rainforest, Mojave Desert or an urban Smart Grid Duke Energy, Gazprom, Suzlon Energy, Shell, Statoil, Loma Negra, Petrobras, Technip and WorleyParsons are just some of the multinationals that have joined our Green Energy forums.For more details please contacts Dr Simon Harding on www.coberongreen.com or www.chronosconsulting.com
Get Ahead In A Medical Field Career As A Phlebotomy Tech
Professionals in the health care field are always in demand. One reason for this scenario is the aging population, especially considering the vast baby boomers generation. With so many careers available in the medical field, it may be difficult to decide which one to pursue for a career. Hospitals, clinics, and doctor's offices are always in need of nurses, technicians, therapists, phlebotomists, laboratory workers, and other employees. One interesting field to study is phlebotomy. A phlebotomist may be called on to draw blood to assist nurses and doctors or perform duties such as drawing blood and preparing it for the laboratory testing in hospital settings. To become qualified and employed in this field, students receive all-around training that can include patient relations, lab procedures, patient's record documentation and other aspects of this job that are required. A phlebotomist will also be eligible to work with non-profit agencies in blood drives, and are in demand at nursing homes, federal and state government facilities, and private health care companies. As in most fields, the education level received by the employment seeker will determine their options and be a factor in the salary range. To enter the field of phlebotomy, at least a certificate is usually required. This can be accomplished through a program either in-class or on-line. To achieve superior skills and enhance your knowledge in this field, there are Associate's Degree or Bachelor's Degrees offered by accredited colleges. A higher education level does take longer and requires determination. Consider current circumstances and it may be an idea to start a career with a Certificate, and work towards a higher degree. Even in times of high unemployment numbers, the health care field demand is great. Projections show the need for qualified personnel in the health care industry will increase over the years.
Skills acquired on electrical courses may be needed for energy microgeneration
<!-- @page { margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } A:link { so-language: zxx } -->Electrical courses attendees may be needed in order to install microgeneration appliances, which one source has suggested are focused on the creation of electricity rather than export on to a wider grid.Tobi Kellner, information officer at the Centre for Alternative Technology, noted the UK feed-in tariffs (Fits) are similar to the German equivalent, except Brits have a maximum capacity of five megawatts.Technicians who have completed electrical courses are likely to be needed if consumers decide to have such equipment installed in their home.However, due to the cap on the amount of power that can be produced on the UK scheme, Mr Kellner stressed the focus is on generation of electricity, as opposed to export."Commercial wind farms on and offshore, which will have to produce the bulk of renewable energy in the UK, are not covered by the UK Fits," he explained.Recently Simon Taylor wrote in European Voice that Fits are widely seen as a viable method of increasing the amount of energy generated through sustainable means.know more about our Electrical Courses,plumbing courses from:Ableskills<!-- @page { margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } A:link { so-language: zxx } -->Able Skills is firmly established as one of the leaders in the delivery of Construction Training and is currently in the position of being able to offer qualifications in every subject we cover, right up to NVQ level 3. We can provide training for anyone looking to learn a construction trade whether they are looking at guidance for DIY purposes or considering a change of career, everything from 2 day courses, 20 week packages and NVQ site assessments plus much, much more.Quality and value for money are priority for every member of Able Skills team; we promote honesty and offer progression and support in everything we do.We are confident in the delivery of our training and encourage everyone to pay us a visit to see firsthand what we do; we feel sure that once you have visited Able Skills, it will be where you choose to train.
Salary Negotiation - Learn About the Myths
Everyone wants to know how to ask for a salary negotiation but sometimes, more information is necessary. Negotiating salary is something you need to do if you want to get what you deserve with all your hard work. In order to get it right, you should not only know how to negotiate salary but all the myths about it so you can avoid mistakes. Prior to going into salary talks, learn all about negotiating your salary and the myths so that you can get that pay you are deserving of.First myth is that companies don't like it when applicants negotiate. This isn't correct at all; in fact the company is ready to negotiate as they are expecting applicants to do so. If you negotiate, you are placing yourself above others as it allows the company to see that you are a go-getter and know your worth. When you are confident and sure about yourself and what you have to offer, this is a good thing.It has been a myth that if you have had low salaries in the past, you have no way of being paid higher. This is also not true because what you get paid is dependent on your performance and experience. If you are good at what you do and work hard to achieving things than you can certainly demand for a good pay. What you were getting paid beforehand shouldn't have a baring on the current salary you hope to get.Negotiating for the highest salary shouldn't be your only goal because sometimes, the job itself is more important. If you are happy with the job but it isn't paying so much, that is still better than being miserable in a high paying job. If the company can't give you the rate you are requesting for, compromise with other benefits that can be provided such as more vacation leaves, health benefits, etc.When entering a salary negotiation, make it a point that all that you have discussed is written down. This way you are assured that your are going to be given everything that is promised to you. Verbal agreements sometimes isn't enough as you never know, their word may not be good enough.All of these are the myths that you should know about with salary negotiation. Learning all this will allow you to be more successful with getting that salary you know you are deserving of with all your accomplishments. As long as you deserve that pay, you won't have any difficulty getting it.
Find a Job you Love with the Help of a Career Coach
When you are searching to make the best choices in your career you should consider hiring a career coach. A professional can help provide you with advice that is tailored to your specific goals and needs. You should consider working with a career coach if you want to change careers, you are afraid you might be laid off, you need more balance in your work and private lives, or you are having difficulty finding a job that is right for you. Your coach can help you determine if you have the skills that would fit another industry than the one you are in. She will help you hone your resume, interviewing and networking skills. Many times you may feel dissatisfaction in your job if what you are doing is not a fit for your skills or personality. A career coach can make the necessary assessments to determine what jobs your aptitudes and work style would be a fit with. They will gather information from you in the form of questions and tests. Even very qualified and talented individuals have hard times finding jobs. Job search skills don't come naturally to everyone. You must have a resume that presents your strengths. You need to be comfortable during interviews. You need to use your network of family, friends and co-workers to help in your search. A coach can assist you in all these areas to help speed your job search into job offers. Career coaching can help you find a job you love. Be sure when you select a coach to work with they understand your goals and have the specific skills for your needs.
Five Things Not to Do in a Job Interview
It doesn't amount what industry you are in, or what job you do, if you're aggravating to acreage your next job, you accept to accept a aggressive mindset to win the job offer. You've apparently heard or apprehend about the altered things you are declared to do if affair with a -to-be employer. Let's about-face our focus from what you should do, to what you should never do during a telephone, online meeting, or face to face interview.1. Do not be backward for your appointment. This shows the employer that you are not reliable from the get-go. Instead, be abiding to access at atomic fifteen accounts early, and analysis in with the foreground board or agent to let them apperceive of your presence. In the accident the time passes, and you accept not been alleged in for your meeting, go aback to the alone you arrested in with, to ensure they in actuality abreast the accuser you are there.2. Do not leave added copies of your resume in the car. I advance accepting a minimum of three copies of your resume able on top superior cardboard accessible at every interview. In the accident the hiring administrator calls in a aide for you to accommodated as allotment of the account process, or has an added administrator sit in on the interview, you are able to agitate calmly and accompany them "into the loop." This makes you, as the candidate, attending prepared.3. Do not be abashed to ask thoughtful, intelligent, and advised questions during an interview. In fact, it is recommended that you plan with your career drillmaster or recruiter to actualize a account of at atomic ten questions that appearance you accept researched the befalling with this company, and added allegorize your adequacy and adeptness to accomplish the position in which you are applying. Keep in mind, you never wish to ask questions that are calmly answered on the company's website, or is accepted accessible knowledge.4. Do not abstain eye acquaintance throughout the interview. Consider your affair with the hiring administrator to be a performance. The accuracy of the amount is you are attempting to out-perform added applicants and -to-be hires for the aforementioned position. If you put yourself in the shoes of the employer, you bound apprehend how important behavior and physique accent is to the account outcome. By advancement eye acquaintance with the humans you are speaking with, you appearance that you are confident, and able of assuming the job in which they are hiring for.5. NEVER altercate money or allowances during your meeting. If you wish to ensure you do not get an befalling with the aggregation you are applying with, try to accompany up compensation. The hiring administrator is affair with you to actuate whether or not you are a acceptable fit for the position, and their organization. To altercate money shows your benightedness of the hiring process, and shows a abridgement of professionalism. The purpose of the account is for you to clear to the aggregation what you can do for them. Advantage should not anytime access the chat until an action has been made. This is area the bacon agreement action begins.It is analytical to apperceive what not to say during a job interview. While alertness is consistently key to a acceptable interview, anniversary applicant should apprehend that they are aggressive for the aforementioned position adjoin appalling opponents. To ensure your best achievement during the interview, be abiding to anticipate about what the employer is in actuality searching for, and appearance them how you can best fit that requirement. Make use of best jobs search websites too.
The Challenges in Becoming a CNA
As one of the most simultaneously rewarding and demanding jobs ever, becoming a certified nursing assistant is never easy, but often a satisfying way to earn a living as you help patients in need improve the quality of their lives on a daily basis. With the current needs of the long-term patients in the world growing exponentially as more people than ever reach an infirm age where they need extra assistance with daily domestic life, it is a great time to become a CNA. After taking a 6 to 12 week CNA training course, and passing the exam to earn certification, you'll be able to find out for yourself how challenging being a certified nursing assistant can really be!During the CNA training course, the difficulty level is rather basic for those used to a traditional classroom setting (which should be everyone in the course as a requirement for all CNAs is a high school diploma). The general subjects of study include anatomy and physiology, biology, infection control, nutrition, and other various subjects to master on the road towards becoming certified. While none of the subjects are particularly difficult (unless you don't study them, that is) they also aren't representative of what hands-on experience in a clinical setting would be like, and is precisely the reason why all CNA training courses require a set number of hours of actual clinical experience before the trainees can be certified.If you are worried about how difficult the hands-on clinical experience is, you should attempt to pay more attention to the lessons being taught instead. The fact is that hands-on experience is simply an 'appetizer' of sorts for the actual challenges that will be faced during your role as a certified CNA. Not only is the clinical experience an abbreviated sample of certified CNA work, but it is very short in comparison to the classroom training.Those trainees that do especially well in their CNA training programs will have flawless attendance, especially due to the fact that missing 6 hours of course time is grounds for elimination from the program. As the length of time for most CNA programs are around 3 months, it is hardly a stretch to be punctual and have great time management habits for the duration of the training, especially when the goal of becoming a certified CNA is certainly worth the effort.In terms of the final exam to gain one's CNA certification, there are actually two sets of exams that trainees are required to successfully pass for their certification. The skills test is the initial test that needs to be passed, and will quiz trainees on all the practices and regulatory actions they should have mastered during the training class. Next is the written test, with will be a more open ended exam to probe how trainees would respond given certain patient care situations, and how they would document patient conditions while on the job as a CNA. If you can manage to earn an 80% score or higher on the exam, certification awaits, and although many find that figure too unreasonable, ease of the subject matter (especially when compared to the require knowledge of doctors and registered nurses that work alongside CNAs) and the fact that one needs only to put forth effort into studying the material to be assured of an 80% should weed out those who are serious about becoming a certified nursing assistant, and those who aren't.
How to Prepare for Aptitude Test?
Aptitude tests ascertain the professional and personal skills of a person in the context of a particular post in a company. Many companies have included aptitude tests in their recruiting process. These tests help them to shortlist the candidates who have right skills towards the job.Why aptitude tests? Aptitude tests determine the logical though process of the candidates and help the recruiters to find out which candidate can be taken forward in the aptitude test. For a candidate, this test is a chance to show his skills and attitude as a professional. Since this test is normally conducted in the preliminary stages of the interview process, making a good impression in it is extremely important.Aptitude test also tests a candidate's psychological and emotional quotient. This shows whether an individual is ready to be a part of a particular company or not. It is mostly conducted in the multiple-choice format and many companies even choose to have this test online, to save time and money. How to prepared for aptitude tests? To prepare for such a test, you should first relax and not worry about the test too much. This test is to check what you already know and if you have the right skills, there is nothing to worry about. Just concentrate on reviewing your studies or professional skills to ensure that you don't forget or miss anything while answering the questions. You don't have to do an intense study of whatever you have study so far. Just a simple revision will be enough.In order to feel comfortable about giving the test, find some sample aptitude tests from the internet and solve them. This will help you find your weak points that you can work on. But make sure that these sample tests are related to the job description and industry that you are applying for. How to handle different types of aptitude tests? Different industries have different standards of skills required and thus, the aptitude tests are also different. These tests not only demands accuracy, but timing is also extremely important. The recruitment team wants you to think on your feet and this won't give you a lot of time to think about your answers. So, think quickly and answer as fast you can. If you feel that you are having difficulties in some questions, leave them and move on to others. There is no point in losing the opportunity to answer questions that you knew over the ones that you didn't. Aptitude test is just one step towards a successful job interview. Thus, don't get nervous and give it your best.
All about Industrial Supplies and Occupational Safety Gear by Business
Workplace safety is important for many reasons. During the industrial revolution, workplace hazards were rampant. It took the maiming, mistreatment and deaths of thousands of Americans to put workplace standards in place. Therefore, there is a reason for strict workplace safety standards and these laws should be followed for your protection and your coworkers' protection. When the workplace isn't safe, it can cause injuries and deaths. Hazardous conditions and injuries also raise insurance rates to the point where business owners may have to lay off workers just to get by. Unsafe conditions and working without the proper safety gear can put workers ill at ease. It's always a good idea to keep and use safety gear and proper industrial supplies to clean up spills and reduce the risk of accidents. In order to comply with safety standards businesses from nursing homes to grocery stores to restaurants to construction crews to government agencies must have certain <a rel="nofollow" onclick="javascript:_gaq.push(['_trackPageview', '/outgoing/article_exit_link']);" href="http://www.carecleaningandprotection.com">industrial supplies</a>and safety gear on hand. Because it is cheapest to buy these items in bulk, most businesses order their goods from wholesalers. Construction companies and government run programs like the Department of Roads require their workers to wear gloves, hard hats, steel toed boots, safety vests, eye protection, reflective vests and sometimes even breathing protection. These items are not cheap, and many workers lose or inadvertently steal these items by placing them in lunch boxes, etc. before leaving the job site. This causes these businesses to constantly refresh their supplies. Nursing homes all require staff to wear protective clothing, gloves and sometimes even masks, breathing gear, safety belts, hair nets, etc. Industrial strength cleansers, soaps, personal care items and adult incontinence products run through health care facilities like water. Nursing homes are heavily regulated and frequently inspected. Their safety equipment is especially important, as patients lives are in the hands of nurses and aides. Restaurants require breathing protection during the use of chemical cleaners on hot griddles or stoves. Disposable gloves, hearing protection, arm protection and hair nets are required by the best restaurants as well. Some even require their cooks to wear disposable protective clothing, such as booties, in their kitchens. Grocery stores and their warehouses require safety belts, safety vests, hearing protection, eye protection, hair nets, disposable gloves and more. Restaurants and grocery stores especially restroom supplies, feminine hygiene products and industrial supplies in their workers restrooms. Workers in these establishments have many staff meetings concerning safety. Any spills must be cleaned up immediately using industrial strength cleansers and proper absorbent clothes for the type of spill they are dealing with. All of the aforementioned businesses must have Hazmat posters in visible places for workers to use as needed. Care Cleaning Protection carries industrial supplies, adult incontinence products, feminine hygiene products, restroom supplies and industrial supplies specifically required by OSHA and other safety regulators. They even have environmentally friendly products. To find the products your business needs, visit them at http://www.carecleaningandprotection.com/default.aspx.
What Type of Nursing Classes Should You Take?
Are you interesting in working as a nurse, or nurse assistant? Is the caring for the sick and unable close to your heart? Are you a nurturing kind of person? Do you have the patience it takes to care and help a sick person? If the answer for these questions is positive, a nursing career may be the career of your choice.If you have started looking for nursing programs, you have probably realized what a big choice of nursing classes, programs and degrees are offered. You may have become confused about what is the best choice for you.If you want to take a short course and start working immediately, you should probably look into taking a certified nurse assistance (CNA) class. CNA classes are short: They range from only a few weeks if you take them full time, and up to 3-4 months if you take a part time course. The prerequisites are low: you don't even need to have a high-school diploma in order to enter. You can often start working as a nursing aid even before having the certification, but if you want to widen your options and get a better salary you should take a CNA class first.CNA classes are offered by universities and colleges, but also by many hospitals, nursing facilities, the Red Cross and charity organizations. Some of these places offer these classes for free; In others you may start working as a nurse assistant while taking the course.While a CNA class is short and accessible, the certificate it gives is not an actual nursing diploma. In order to become an actual nurse, you must take a longer course. The next level program would be an LPN (also called LVN) program. An LPN is a licensed practical nurse (or licensed vocational nurse). With this license you may work as an actual nurse in hospital or other health care facilities. LPN programs will typically take 2 years to complete, and are offered by many colleges and universities.The most popular license for nurses is a registered nurse (RN) license. A registered nurse can have also a managing position, and can perform many more nursing tasks than a regular LPN. In order to become a registered nurse you have to first acquire an academic degree - either ASN (associate nurse) or BSN (bachelor degree in nursing), and then go for the RN license. This option of course demands more studies, but gives you many more options of work and a better salary. It also gives you a good basis if you decide to continue your studies to a master's degree, or have a higher nursing license as a nurse practitioner (an NP).So what is the best choice for you? That is something only you can decide. You may prefer to take a longer course first and go straight for a higher position, or you may decide to start with a shorter program to check if this career suits you, or because you want to start working right away and are not a student type of person. Good luck in whatever choice you make!
How to Thank Your Interviewer?
Many people feel that an interview process ends after the completion of final interview. But there's another step that every interviewee must fulfill to make a good impression on the interviewer. It is important to send a thank you letter to the interviewer.The letter should be mailed on the same day as the interview and should be sent individually to every interviewer. The letter can be sent by post or via email. This letter plays a big role in making a good impression on the interviewer and the company.It shows them that you value their time and are interested in working with them. The letter is also a great way to remind the interviewers about your skills and abilities.Here are few tips to write the perfect thanks your letter to your interviewer:
- Focus on the Interviewer: The focus of the thank you letter should be on the interviewer and not on you. Your CV and cover letter are for that purpose. In the thank you letter talk about the interviewer, the job you interviewed for and the company. Stay Positive: The letter should be upbeat and positive in its tone. You positive words like "thanks", "excited", "hope" etc. These words give a sense of enthusiasm and motivation from your side. Any type of negativity like an apology for coming late or a reminder of your lack of a skill should not be repeated in the thank you letter. Mention the interview: The basic objective of a Thank You Letter is to create a lasting impression on the interviewer. Therefore, try to mention the highlights of the interview in it. Talk about an interesting conversation or some memorable topic that you both talked on. Be specific: The interviewer doesn't have time to read your long mails. So, keep the letter short and crisp. Don't repeat yourself or mention things that the interviewer obviously knows already. Don't be too cocky: Though, you have met the interviewer and you may have even created a good rapport with him/her too, but don't be over-friendly in the Thank You Mail. Stay formal in your language and avoid terms which exude over-confidence.
Learn How To Job Search The Right Way
If you knew something wasn't working, would you keep doing it, expecting the results to change? For most people the answer would be no, but for the majority of people looking for jobs, this is exactly what they are doing. They are submitting resumes in the same old fashion and getting no replies. They are attending job fairs and never getting any return calls. Stop this madness now and learn the new approach towards getting a job. Don't wait for the human resource department to give you a call. Don't wait for that email response. Call them back after a day to see if they received your resume. Then schedule a time to call them back 4-5 business days later. Be persistence without sounding desperate. Stop sending resumes without meeting with the humans behind the job postings. Have you ever been hired by computer? No! So this idea that you can send resumes all day and expect a job, is nonsense. The computer is useful for finding job openings but a human is who will hire you. Pick up the phone and talk to a human about a job. Build your network of friends. There are jobs but you need to meet the people. Spend 2 hours a day inviting your network to get coffee. Keep what works and toss out the rest. Think of the job search as a job and aim for efficiency. Have more than one cover letter on hand. Create resumes with different themes and objectives. If you sent out 10 resumes, five with your website address and five without a website, and the five with your website received the most attention, then you should know what tactic is working. Eliminate the garbage from the previous days and work with the stuff that brought you closer to a human hiring you. The human element of job searching might seem simple and basic but a lot of people still spend the majority of their day, wasting away on computer, without it getting them any closer to a job. It is time to get social with your job search. Use what works in finding a job and discard the rest.
Have you considered saving for your future whilst contracting?
As a contractor working on multiple job assignments whilst using an umbrella company service, you may not have considered a specialist contractor pension yet. If a pension is something you have not considered, you wouldn't be the only one. Research has found that many people are not prepared for retirement and one of the reasons for this may be because we don't see 65 as being old.What is astonishing is that BUPA (the healthcare provider) recently discovered that 1 out of 5 people over the age of 65 have not made any financial provisions for retirement and an incredible two thirds relay on their relatives to care for them.So if you haven't yet considered a contractor pension yet read on.Danbro's Umbrella Company Pension SchemeOne of the benefits of joining the Danbro Umbrella Company is that you are eligible to join our Group Pension Scheme and can enjoy the lucrative tax breaks.By not making use of the allowances available you will be paying substantial amounts of tax unnecessarily. Even if you have a pension already you won't currently be benefitting from the saving in NI that the Danbro scheme offers. Salary SacrificeInvesting via the salary sacrifice agreement is arguably the most tax efficient investment option that is available to you. The scheme involves you taking as little as the minimum wage whilst covering your fees and all of your other income can be invested into a pension. Whilst this level of investment may not always be sustainable over the whole of your working life, it can represent a significant boost to your eventual retirement fund whilst saving you tax and NI contributions on your income whilst contracting.For more information into joining Danbro's Umbrella Service, you can click here.If you would like to speak to one of our specialist advisors about our Group Pension Scheme, call us free on 0800 731 3178
How You Can Pick The Right Career
Picking the right career can seem oh so challenging. Your probably thinking, there are so many career paths out there how do I pick the one that suits me the most. Some parts of the previous statement are true; certain careers may only fit a certain type of individual. With that said careers are out there for everyone, the trick is finding a career path that fits your needs.3 Tips That Can Help You Picking a career that suits your strengths is a must when seeking a job opportunity. Each person has a certain set of skills that they have developed throughout the course of their life. This is what makes each person a little different. When picking a career don't be afraid to take some time and make a list of what you think your strengths are as an individual, if you need some help from friends or co-workers that is alright as well. If you don't choose a career that fits at least some of your current strengths you could spend most of your time struggling to fit in or trying to succeed. There is nothing wrong with developing a new skill set just don't set yourself up for failure.Finding a career that fits your personality will pay huge dividends. For example, if you are an outgoing individual who loves doing something different each day, you should not pick a career where you will be performing the same tasks on a daily basis. If your personality does not fit your career you will become bored and frustrated which could lead you to become unhappy. Do yourself a favor and choose a profession that you enjoy and will want to make a career.Choose a career that has a progression path for you. If you have a self progression path at work this will give you some needed self motivation on a bad day. When you can progress at work you will stay on your toes ready to perform the next task at hand. Looking forward to your next progression will not only help you develop your professional skills and push you to become a better employee, but has proven to increase self confidence.To pick the career that fits you the best you may have to take some time to evaluate what you like and need. Don't forget to think about the skill set you already have and where you see yourself in the future!
How to handle Office Politics?
Politics in the workplace is a fact of life. If you don't like it, get over it, or quit. Organizations are made up of people and nobody is perfect. People see from their perceptions and often have conflicting goals and objectives. Because of these factors, it's inevitable that politics will surface in companies of all sizes making it important for aspiring executives to understand that building cohesive working relationships is essential for anyone looking to advance. Here are a few tips to help with managing the political part of being an executive. Budget time for relationship building. Politics does not mean sucking up. It means taking the time to cultivate interpersonal relationships with key people inside the organization. People promote people they know, like, and respect. Taking the time to get to know the players in the company allows them to get to know you and allows you to learn what's important to them. Communication is key! Interact with the different departments and identify the key people. This does not always mean top management, but individuals with the reputations for getting things done. Learn to give, in order to get. People who are good at building relationships understand that being an advocate for others is important in the relationship building process. People who are only interested in themselves are less likely to develop contacts willing to help them. Be proactive and seek out other people. This may be much more difficult for introverts who feel more comfortable working alone, but it's important. Don't think the communication game many of us have played in grade school isn't alive and well at most companies. People see from their perceptions and have differing agendas. Talking to key constituents allows you the opportunity to gain information while also helping control how people perceive you. Develop coalitions in the workplace. Effective leaders have the ability to rally people behind their mission and objectives. Understanding the viewpoints of others through coalitions makes it easier to lead. Be sincere in your relationship building efforts. If you are a phony, nobody will trust you. Demonstrate that you actually care about people and begin building trust. Listen to those you work with each day. Empathy is important. It enables you to understand and appreciate the values and feelings of others. Managing politics is about working with people. Successful people skills means good communication skills and high emotional intelligence. Master these skills and learn that they're also useful in networking, business development, recruiting, and employee retention.
References As A Marketing Tool
One of the most important marketing tools we should always be developing to help reinforce our brand is our references. Just like many companies use their client list and client references to build credibility and confidence for their products and services, we should also leverage our references to build credibility and confidence in our capabilities and brand. Sometimes reference checks are just a formality, but in most cases potential employers (i.e., potential clients) use reference checks as their final validation that they're making the right decision. Having someone else you have done work for speak highly of you and of the quality of your work is a great closing tool.While reference checks typically come towards the end of the hiring process they can also be used very effectively up front in the process as a marketing device to set an early positive framework of your capabilities. Whenever it is possible get written references on company letterhead from your managers and key stakeholders or customers. Make sure they are rave reviews (discussed later in this post) and reinforce the key branding and messaging points you're selling. In some cases you may be able to write a draft of the reference that your manager can modify, or you can ask them to specifically include certain positive attributes that line up with your brand messaging. Written references are important because you will want to include them with your job resume and in your professional portfolio. Talk up your references during the interview process. It's a powerful selling technique when you bring up that you have very strong references and speak to specifics. Encourage the employer to talk to your references.Make a point to keep in regular touch with your past and current references so that you can provide accurate and up-to-date email and phone number contact information. Whenever possible, try to use a direct office number or better yet, a cell phone number, or both. Use this contact information to give your references a heads-up whenever you are going to use them as a reference (and to verify the contact information is correct). If possible, give your references some background information on the position and use the opportunity to reinforce your brand promise so the reference can echo those points if they are contacted.Bring your reference letters with you. Also, in addition to having your references in your LinkedIn profile, also include your reference letters in your on-line ePortfolio or Porfile Layouts. There are several eportfolio and Web Portfolio internet sites available. One of the best ones out there is Apojigo at http://www.apojigo.com. Apojigo has a very easy to use tab based interface that lets you create an online eportfolio that can contain any multimedia material you want to present. You can include your resume, write a biography and samples of your work. E-Portfolio and online portfolios are a great resource to give potential employers. Web Portfolios allow you to include additional supporting information along with your references.
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