
Increasing Sales Through Objection Handling Technique

Handling objections is the most daunting task for any salesperson and if handled badly they can result in a lost sale and knocked confidence. The key thing to remember is that an objection is a demonstration of interest from a customer and if handled correctly can result in an increased chance of making a sale. There are a few key rules that need to be followed when handling objections:Pre-empt the objection -  If an objection is expected handle it in your pitch prior to being confronted with it, for example if a product is more expensive than competitors talk about it and demonstrate that it’s benefits offer sound value for money “While the product may not be the cheapest in the market it is the only product to offer (benefit)”, “It is a little more expensive than it’s competitors but the additional money is well spent as unlike the competitors it offers (benefit)” this is a great opportunity to use the all important Unique Selling Benefits. Use Suppose statements – Suppose statements are used to test whether the objection is real or not. If the objection is real then go on to answer it, if it is not real ignore it and move on. For example if the objection is that your product is too expensive then use something like “Suppose I can show you that the overall cost of buying and delivery is an economical proposition. That would be important wouldn’t it?” Feel, Felt, Found  –  A classic way of handling objections. First empathise with the customer telling them that you understand their concerns and how they feel, then talk about somebody else who felt the same way and finally talk about how after making a purchase they found that their fears were not reality. An objection should be welcomed and the opportunity to use this as a platform to sell should be maximised, if a customer’s concerns are answered effectively they have no reason not to buy!

