
Think About This! #2

A sound education for young people is the most important obligation that exists for anyone, whether they are parents or not.Since I am an American, the children of the United States are the primary subject of this article; it is with them that the lion's share of my concern lies.Though, on occasion overlooked, even taken for granted, we must make no mistake that the way our young are educated will have a monumental effect on their lifetime success, their family's lives, and our nation; and no, I am not referring to their financial success.I have recently taken a hard look at the current state of affairs concerning the United States as a nation, the people that comprise the nation, and their difficulties. I observed a great deal of anger, disappointment and confusion. It is not difficult to realize that the offensive taxes that exist are not the root of our problems, nor are the abusive regulations or oppressive laws. These things do indeed exist, yet are merely effects of a rampant negligence. Although I believe this circumstance to be fundamentally ingenuous, this does not negate the magnitude of such an error.It is not that the government of the United States has grown too large; it is that the people of this nation have grown too small. Furthermore, the taproot of these anomalies may be traced to deficient and in many cases fallacious education. We should not look to institutions to teach our young, and then assume the task accomplished just as we should not look to our government for guidance and security. The only way that the people of the United States may find a way back to the self-reliant republic our Founders structured so many years ago, is by personally seeing to the perdurable learning process of our young. Because it is not merely necessary that our children are taught, it is what they learn that will either revitalize the great republic of sovereign and indivisible states that the United States were structured to be, or turn our country into a nation of dependant helots existing within an unrecognizable shadow of the just and free republic that the Founding Fathers so carefully conceived and instituted.If students are not taught Truth, and a commitment to the pursuit of it, they will, as many have, view whatever they are taught as truth, and then live in a stagnated untruth. In fact, in such a circumstance, they would have no practice in recognizing what is right, no link. Moreover, they would have no foundational basis for their discernment of right and wrong, and would then turn to popular opinion to guide them.In reality, Truth is right, it is what's real and though difficult to accept on occasion, must be reckoned with. The popular fallacy that truth is in the eye of the beholder is a contrivance; in each and every circumstance there is only one reality, one truth. The trick is to recognize it. In fact, the life goal of any human being that cares to know God, His word, and the reality of existence, is the discernment of Truth. Unfortunately, such is not always rampantly at large, or even barely perceptible. In consideration of this imperative reality, and, at the risk of redundancy, I reiterate; it is not essential that our children are merely taught; it is what they learn that will either render their lives complete and righteous, or filled with uncertainty and confusion. There is a significant redressing occurring across our land regarding our nation as a whole, and once we finally accomplish this necessary rectification, the only sure way of preserving its result will lie in the education of our people. We must relearn the business of taking care of ourselves and teaching our young; as this combination is the sine qua non of liberty and justice; only then may we the people fully enjoy the dear privileges of life, liberty, and the right to pursue our happiness.

